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DIGM 235
Previsualization and Career Development
15 weeks
1 credit
In Person/Hyflex
In this course, students will be introduced to the various career paths within digital animation and game design. Students will research the particular skills needed for a specific career path and will develop a project idea tailored to help introduce them to the industry. Students will complete previsualization materials (storyboards, designs, flowcharts, etc.) to make that project a reality. The project will be completed in DIGM 298. Students will be instructed in putting together a resume and website to showcase their skills.
This course has one prerequisite -- either DIGM 221: 3D Lighting and Rendering or GAME 206: Game Level Design.
Instructors include:
Professor Claire Smuga
Professor Steven Peterson
Instructional formats:
In Person courses will meet on the Lincroft, NJ campus of Brookdale Community College. Additional course materials will be supplied via Canvas, Brookdale's online Learning Management System (LMS).
Remote Live courses will meet via Zoom and Canvas. Students do not have to come to Lincroft, NJ.
Fully Online courses have no class meetings. All materials will be supplied via Canvas. Students will be able to meet with their instructors during scheduled office hours or by appointment via email.
Hyflex courses allow students to be either In Person or Remote. This can only be done with the permission of the course instructor.
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